Articles to be sent to CASESS for publication should be prepared by taking into account the rules explained below. Articles should be prepared in accordance with the Article Template in the forms section of the journal's home page.
Articles that do not comply with the following writing rules and are not prepared in accordance with the template are not included in the evaluation process.
It is obligatory to indicate the source of all kinds of information, data and opinions that do not belong to the author in the article.
The article should be based on the citation guidelines of the 'Publication Manual of American Psychological Association' (6th Edition; 2010) published by the American Psychological Association (APA).
The article should be written using the Microsoft Word word processor program, Palatino Linotype, in 10 font size, with 1.5 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins, and not exceeding 25 pages.
Paragraph beginnings should start 1.25 cm inside, no more spaces should be given.
Tables, figures, pictures, graphics and the like should be placed in the relevant place in the text. Care should be taken that these images do not go beyond the page dimensions of the journal.
Manuscripts submitted to CASESS should include the following parts, in order: Title, Author names and contact information, Abstract, Keywords, Main Text, Author Statements (if any), References, Appendices (if any).
The title of the research should clearly reflect the main subject of the research and the content of the research.
For articles written in English;
The title should be written in 16-point bold font, the first letter of each word should be capitalized, except for the connectors, and should consist of a maximum of 14 words. The title should be centered on the first page of the article.
For articles written in Turkish;
The Turkish title should be written in 16-point bold font, the first letter of each word should be capitalized, with the exception of the conjunctions, and should consist of a maximum of 14 words. The title should be centered on the first page of the article. The English title should be placed just below the Turkish title, aligned with the center, and should be written in 16 points without using a bold font.
Abstract and Keywords
The abstract should cover the purpose of the research, its method, the conclusion of the research and the main recommendations given. The abstract should not exceed 450 words, it should be written in 9 font size, using single line spacing, and justified. In the abstract, basic information about the article should be presented in a single paragraph. There should be no reference to any source in the abstract. For articles whose language of writing is not English, the English abstract should also be prepared as mentioned above. Keywords should be written in 9 points and the first letter of each keyword should be capitalized. A maximum of 5 keywords can be given for an article. For articles whose language of writing is not English, English keywords should also be prepared as mentioned above.
Main Text
The main text of the article should contain the following parts, respectively; Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion. In compilation type articles, this order may not be followed depending on the characteristics of the study. For articles whose language of writing is not English, an extended abstract prepared in English should also be attached to the article. In the main text, the findings and discussion sections can be presented together as a whole under the title of “Findings and Discussion”, or they can be presented sequentially as independent sections.
Introduction Section
For articles written in Turkish, the introduction should start immediately after the English abstract, without switching to a new page. For articles whose language is English, the introduction should begin after the abstract and on a separate page. In the introduction, the theoretical or conceptual framework of the problem and the research should be presented along with its justifications. The hypotheses to be tested and their basis should be stated or the purpose of the research should be stated. In qualitative research, the theory and paradigm on which the research is based should be given in this section. Definitions, abbreviations, assumptions and limitations, if any, should be presented in this section with justification. This part of the research can be given as a whole or by adding sub-titles when necessary. If subheadings are to be used, subheadings should be left justified and subheadings should not be numbered.
Method Section
Method section should contain information about the method, design, sample of the research (it can also be called study group or research group specific to the study), data collection tools and data analysis. This information can be presented as a whole or by adding sub-headings. If subheadings are to be used, subheadings should be left justified and subheadings should not be numbered. The method followed in the research and its justifications should be expressed clearly and comprehensibly. Information should be given about the characteristics, development, validity and reliability of data collection tools. The techniques used in the analysis of the data, the purposes of using these techniques and the analysis process of the data should be explained.
Findings Section
In this section, the findings obtained from the research should be presented.
Discussion Section
The discussion section should include the explanation and discussion of the research findings in the light of the literature. The findings obtained from the current study should be evaluated together with the results of similar studies in the literature. In the main text, the “Findings” and “Discussion” sections can be given together as a whole under the “Findings and Discussion” heading, or each can be given as separate sections.
Conclusion Section
In the conclusion part, a conclusion that is suitable for the purpose of the research and an answer to the main research question of the study should be presented. The conclusion section should be based on the findings of the research and should be in a structure that can be explained with them. In the conclusion part, application and research suggestions for the field can also be included. In such a case, the title of this section should be “Conclusion and Suggestions”.
Tables should be presented at the places mentioned in the text. Table number and table title should be placed above the table. Tables with their titles should be centered in the text, the table number should be written in bold, and the first letter of all words in the table title should be capitalized. The information in the first line of the table as a description, explanation or title should be written in italics and bold. Tables should be written in 10 points and single line spacing. Tables should not extend beyond the page dimensions of the journal. 9 points can be used when needed. If the tables are quoted from a source, the full citation of the source should be stated below the table.
Figures should be presented at the places mentioned in the text. Figure number and figure captions should be placed below the figure. Figures should be centered in the text with their titles, the figure number should be written in bold, and the first letter of all words in the figure title should be capitalized. In cases where the figures need to be welded, the reference should be presented in parentheses, along with the title of the figure. The figures should not extend beyond the page dimensions of the journal.
Author Statements
The Author Statements section is not required to be included in the article. If this section is to be included in the article, it should be placed just before the references section. Authors can submit additional information or statements about their research in this section. Some types of information/statements that can be presented in this section are:
- Information about the ethics committee approval of the research (name of the committee, date and number).
- If the summary of the research has been published in any symposium, congress or conference before, information about this situation.
- If the article was produced from a postgraduate thesis or a project, information about it
- Information on the contribution rate of researchers
- Information about the Institutions or Organizations that support the research
- Statement about conflict of interest
- Acknowledgement statement
The references section should be included in the text without moving to a new page. Every source cited in the text should be included in the references. Every reference in the references section must also be cited in the text. References should be given according to the APA6 basic citation guidelines. References should be listed as a 1.25 cm hanging indent and should be written with 1.5 line spacing. Citation of the reference in the text should be done by adding the surname of the author and the publication date as presented in the examples given below. References should not be made by adding footnotes.
In-Text Citation
Example 1: In a study by Asiltürk (2020) …..
Example 2: ….. is reported to be larger (Asiltürk, 2020).
Studies with one author: (Arslantaş, 2002)
Studies with two authors: (Kara & Demirci, 2014)
Studies with three, four and five authors: When citing in-text, the year is written with the surnames of all authors in the first reference. For other citations, “et al.” next to the surname of the first author. abbreviation should be added.
Example first citation: (Onur, Laleli, Menteş & Yürekli, 2012)
Example subsequent citations: (Onur et al., 2012)
Studies with six or more authors: If the number of authors to be cited in the text is 6 or more, then only the surname of the first author and et al. is written.
Example citation: (Arslan et al., 2006)
Example citation: ….(Bircan, 2001; Khan & Leederman, 1997; Ormancı, 2002).
Example first citation: (Ministry of National Education [MEB], 2014)
Subsequent citations: (MEB, 2014)
If in-text citation will be given to a web-sourced study whose author is unknown, the title of the article or section is given with the year, shortened to the appropriate place.
Example citation: (“Youth Education Problem”, 2017)
Example: (citing from Bloom 1956, Yıldırım, 2012). Information about Yıldırım (2012) is included in the references. There is no need to include the imprint information about Bloom.
References Section
Journal Articles
Yılmaz, R. & Kılıç-Çakmak, E. (2012). Educational interface agents as social models to influence learner achievement, attitude and retention of learning. Computers & Education, 59(2), 828-838.
Villafane, S. M., Bailey, C. P., Loertscher, J., Minderhout, V. & Lewis, J. E. (2011). Development and analysis of an instrument to assess student understanding of foundational concepts before biochemistry coursework. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 39(2), 102–109.
Ph.D. and Master's Theses
Karakoyun, G. O. (2021). Examination of pre-service science teachers' heuristic uses in some chemistry topics. (Ph.D Thesis). Firat University, Elazig.
If theses are accessed online;
Cetin, E. (2016). A case study on the use of technology supported schematic organizers in the problem solving process of preschool children. (Ph.D Thesis). Retrieved from http://tez.yok.gov.tr.
McNeil, D. S. (2006). Meaning through narrative: A personal narrative discussing growing up with an alcoholic mother (Master's Thesis). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 1434728)
Books and Book Chapters
Kucukahmet, L. (2002). Planning and evaluation in instruction. Ankara: Nobel Publication Distribution.
Bayram, M. (1997). Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence. UK: Multilingual Matters.
Edited books
Strong, N. (Ed.). (2000). Classroom management. Ankara: Nobel Publication Distribution.
Buttjes, D. & Byram, M. (Ed.). (1991). Mediating languages and cultures: Towards an intercultural theory of foreign language education. UK: Multilingual Matters.
Chapter in an edited book
Kukul, V. (2013). Historical development and approaches about the game. M. A. Ocak (Ed.), In Educational digital games (pp. 19-31). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
Translation books
Hellman, H. (2001). Great Controversies: Ten selected debates from the history of science (F. Baytok, Translator). Ankara: TUBITAK.
Magazine articles
Bilgici, Z. (2016, July). How do our parents affect our future? Science and Technology(584), 32-33.
Online Newspaper Article
If the article was accessed online, it is necessary to give the URL address.
Hakan, A. (2015, December 23). 7 events 7 comments in foreign policy. Liberty. Accessed from https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/yazarlar/ahmet-hakan/dis-politikada-7-olay-7- comment-%2040030640.
Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, p. 1-4. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive /politics/1993 /09/30/obesity-affects-economic-social-status/87aff38c-a24d-4d5f-99e5-e0d7f73ff9d9/.
Symposiums and Conferences
Küçük, E. & Doğan, F. (2009, September). The formation of the concept of animals in the preschool period. Poster presented at the V. National Preschool Education Congress, Gazi University, Ankara.
Dinçer, S., Şenkal, O. & Sezgin, M. E. (2012). Teacher, student and parent coordination and computer literacy levels within the scope of Fatih project. Paper presented at the Academic Informatics 2013 Conference, Akdeniz University, Antalya. Retrieved from http://ab.org.tr/ab13/bildiri/13.pdf.
Levin, B. B., He, Y. & Allen, M. H. (2010). What do they believe now? A cross-sectional longitudinal study of teachers' beliefs' follow in action. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 2010. Retrieved from http://www.aera.net/repository.
Research Reports
The format to be used when presenting research reports in the references should be as follows.
T.R. Ministry of Development, Information Society Department. (2015). Information Society Strategy and Action Plan (Publication No. 2939). Accessed from http://www.kalkinma.gov.tr.
Kessy, S. S. A. & Urio, F. M. (2006). The Contribution of Microfinance Institutions to Poverty Reduction in Tanzania (Research Report No. 06.3). Retrieved from http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Publications/Reports/06.3_Kessyand.pdf.
A Specific Page on a Website
If the author of the article is known;
Karabag, S. (2015). Education is a measurement and evaluation process. Retrieved from http://egtbil.gazi.edu.tr/ posts/view/title/prof.-dr.-servet-karabag%27in-hurriyet%27teki-kose-yazisi-129819.
Shakespeare, W. (1623). Anthony and Cleopatra. Retrieved from http://www.shakespeare-online.com/quotes/antonyquotes.html.
If the author of the article is unknown, if the site belongs to an official institution;
Harvard University (2015). About Harvard. Retrieved from http://www.harvard.edu/about-harvard.
Faculty of Open and Distance Education (n.d.). General information of the sociology program. Retrieved from http://auzefsosoloji.istanbul.edu.tr/program-genel-bilgi2.html.
The author of the article is unknown, if the site does not belong to an official institution;
Knowledge economy (2015). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Knowledge_economy.
In this section, additional information or documents, if any, are presented (for example, the scales used in the study). Appendices should be presented immediately after the bibliography section, without moving to a new page.